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Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Mar 30, 2021

Today we are joined by comedian, friend of the show, and beloved nutball, Tom Goss, to talk about John C Woods. A man so inept at his job that he actually cycled back around to kinda successful. He stumbled through life bungling one thing after another before winding up in the Army and being asked, "You know how to...

Mar 25, 2021

Today we'll be visiting the land of leprechauns to discuss a pretty divisive figure from The Troubles, Lenny Murphy. If you're an Irish Protestant or English, you're probably pretty supportive of his cause. But if you're an Irish Catholic or one of the many people in the world that thinks England should keep its dick...

Mar 23, 2021

Today we're covering a requested vigilante, Nathaniel Kinney, and his terribly named vigilance committee from the 1800s. This committee stirred up a whole heap of shit in Missouri and despite starting for semi-admirable reasons, quickly devolved into some blatant fuckery. Beatings, shootings, and lynchings, they...

Mar 18, 2021

We're closing out anniversary week with a dude that's popped up over and over again in other stories, so we figured it's finally time to cover his life. Dutch Schultz went from German Jew immigrant to fake Dutchman criminal. He made a lot of money, killed a lot of people, and even blinded a guy in the grossest...

Mar 16, 2021

Today we're kicking off the week of our 2 year anniversary with Miyamoto Musashi, a man surrounded by a fog of legends, but we cut through all that anime bullshit and give you the real stuff because even that is plenty bonkers. He ran around the Japanese countryside alternating between sword and wood, beating the shit...