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Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Mar 31, 2020

Today we will be going back to Australia, dear listeners, to talk about hitman, and friend of people with terrible nicknames, Christopher Flannery. Also known as Mr. Rent-a-Kill. Yes, that was the real nickname of a real man who killed real people. Also we are joined by comedian, hillbilly Teletubbie, and friend of the...

Mar 26, 2020

Well, dear listeners, we have another escalation in the awful garbage monster competition as we head down to Brazil to cover Marcelo Andrade today. We've had this one sitting in our box of fan suggestions for a couple months now and decided we waited long enough to dump the awfulness that is Andrade on you. His...

Mar 24, 2020

Hello again, dear listeners. We're back with our regular scheduled programming today to cover Francisco Pizarro, a Spanish conquistador that loved gold, Jesus, and killing the shit out of Natives in South America. Also another thing, but I don't wanna spoil that. He failed pretty spectacularly quite a few times,...

Mar 23, 2020

This weekend afforded us a unique opportunity, and we knew that we had to take it. Carlton Leach, who we talked about in episode 77, found our episode about his life and didn't hate it. Then he offered to actually talk to us if we were interested, which well, 100% yes. So we offer you this bonus episode to enjoy because...

Mar 19, 2020

Thank you, dear listeners for sticking around with us long enough for us to hit our 1 year mark. Which is exactly today. We wanted to do something big to celebrate so we're covering Tim's favorite person from any point in history, Ulysses S. Grant. On the off chance you don't know who that is, he led the Union army...