Sep 30, 2021
Now, when you hear that a man is a crazy religious member of the East India Company you might not think he's going to be a badass. But you'd be wrong. John Nicholson might not be the best person, seeing as how he played a significant role in the colonization of India by the British, but I'll be damned if he didn't kick...
Sep 28, 2021
Today we're talking about a man who loved killing so much he decided to fight in two world wars, Lou Diamond. He also refused being promoted from enlisted to officer because it would probably mean less killing. He was such an incredible badass that a Marine who just heard his life story decided to name his son after...
Sep 23, 2021
Friend of the show Joey Kuriki joins us again today. This time to talk about his fellow countrymen, Issei Sagawa. Issei was born fairly well cursed and wound up in a little tiny body and with very creepy urges. Which you know he acted on at some point since we're talking about him. He's another guy that has a...
Sep 21, 2021
Today we're joined by friend of the show Joey Kuriki for a trip down under to talk about infamous outlaw, Daniel "Mad Dog" Morgan. Danny boy ran/rode horses all around New South Wales visiting all the goofiest named places so that he could rob people, or shoot them, or force them to make him breakfast. Whatever he was...
Sep 16, 2021
Today we're talking about the only thing British that's better than the American version, Charles Bronson. Not his born name, but I'm pretty sure the American Bronson wasn't named that at birth either, oh well. His life started out normal enough, then fairly rapidly descended into a beautiful madness. Despite not...